Organization Committee and Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

Renaud Bécot (Post-doctoral researcher, History, LARHRA, Lyon ; CHS, Paris)

Stéphane Frioux (Maître de conférences, History, University Lyon 2 and IUF, LARHRA)

Gwenola Le Naour (Maître de conférences HDR, Political Science, Sciences Po Lyon and Triangle, Lyon)

Vincent Porhel (Maître de conférences, History, University Lyon 1 and LARHRA)



Scientific Committee

- Laura Centemeri (Research Fellow, Sociology, CNRS - CEMS-EHESS Paris)

- Emilie Counil (Research Fellow, Epidemiology, INED - Paris)

- Anne Dalmasso (Professor, History, Université Grenoble Alpes - LARHRA)

- Xavier Daumalin (Professor, History, Université Aix-Marseille - Director of the UMR TELEMME)

- Philippe Davezies (Professor of medicine and occupational health, University Lyon 1)

- Pierre Fournier (Professor, Sociology, Université d'Aix-Marseille - Director of the Laboratoire méditerranéen de sociologie, LAMES)

- Julie Henry (Maître de conférences, Philosophy, Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon – Triangle)

- Anne Marchand (Post-doctoral researcher, Sociology, Université Paris 13)

- Pascal Marichalar (Research Fellow, CNRS - IRIS - Paris)

- Emmanuel Martinais (Research Fellow, ENTPE and EVS-Rives - Lyon)

- Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud (Professor, Environmental History, EHESS - CIRED - Paris)

- Judith Rainhorn (Professor, History, Université Paris 1 - Centre d'Histoire Sociale des mondes contemporains - Paris)

- Christopher Sellers (Professor, History, Stony Brook University - New York)

- Kayo Togawa (Scientist, Section of Environment, International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization)

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